Easy Upload

Copy & Paste

Quick Checkout or Quote

Do you have a list of parts and need to generate a quote or an order?

Create an account on our website to unlock an array of features, one being instant generation of a quote or order.

This feature is simple and easy to use! 

First, you need to download the Excel Template that works for you:

  • Download template for Excel 97-2003 - HERE
  • Download template for Excel 2010 & Newer - HERE

Next, enter the part number:

  • Add your part # in the first column and the quantity for each item in the second column
  • You may also enter an optional line note in the third column if needed

After you have entered your parts list:

  • Save the file in the correct - .XLSX or -. XLS format
  • Then click on the drop box or drag and drop the file you want to upload

Lastly, select the parts list you wish to upload:

  • Select - "Open" 
  • Upload your file
  • Select - "Add Items to Cart"

You can save the cart, create an order template, and even share the quote or order with a co-worker

Copy & Paste Your Parts List

Do you want to copy and paste your parts list and not use the Excel template?
We have that option available as well!

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Where we are always Open & Here to Make your Job Easier!